
Water Conservation Programme: Glantane: Advanced Stage 3

Water Conservation Programme: Advanced Stage 3- Main Rehabilitation Work- Glantane, Lombardstown, Summercove Kinsale, Bantry.

Client : Irish Water

General Description

This project involved the construction of 6Km of mainly 160mm HDPE and 1Km of 200mm uPVC water mains, 3 pressure reducing valves, valves and hydrants etc in Glanatane, Lombardstown, Abbey Well, Kinsale and Bantry .This replaced the local unreliable AC pipe network systems in these areas with a modern reliable network. Trenchless Technology was utilised to cross a river and a live railway line. Over 300 house connection was installed.

  • 7Km of water main Ductile Iron, uPVC & HPPE
  • Trenchless technology under rivers, streams and railway line.
  • Hydrants, Scour vales and chambers
  • Removal of existing AC main
  • Traffic Management
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