Andrew Scannell marks 10-year anniversary with Sorensen

Sorensen Project Manager, Andrew Scannell, marked his 10-year anniversary with the company this week. He has played a key role in our steady growth over the past 10 years. His experience, industry-knowledge and technical skills make him a key member of our senior management team. He is currently leading up our largest project, the Celtic Interconnector project in Cork, where he is proving to be a steady pair of hands.

We’d like to thank him sincerely for his hard work, dedication, and loyalty to the company over the last 10 years. We hope that he continues to have a long and fruitful career at Sorensen.

Sorensen is an Engineers Ireland CPD Accredited Employer

We are proud to announce that Sorensen Civil Engineering Ltd. is an Engineers Ireland CPD Accredited Employer.
Sorensen has been awarded the much sought after CPD Accredited Employer Standard by Engineers Ireland in recognition of our continuing professional development (CPD) strategy for all our employees. Well done to the HSQE team for getting us through the audit with flying colours!

New Project Announcement: Glashaboy Flood Relief Scheme

We have great pleasure in announcing that Cork City Council has appointed Sorensen Civil Engineering as Main Contractor to deliver the Glashaboy Flood Relief Scheme. This 32-month project entails the construction of direct flood defences and conveyance improvement measures along the Glashaboy River and its tributaries. The flood defences proposed include flood walls, embankments, localised channel widening/deepening, and the replacement of culverts and bridges. The scheme will provide much needed protection for 78 residential properties and 25 commercial premises.

We look forward to delivering this project on behalf of our client, Cork City Council – Comhairle Cathrach Chorcaí, and the funding authority Office of Public Works .

Happy World Environment Day ?

At Sorensen Civil Engineering, we are committed to sustainability and protecting our natural resources. We prioritize waste reduction and recycling in all our operations. By implementing efficient waste management practices, we’re minimizing our environmental footprint and promoting a circular economy.

Looking back on our award-winning Marina Park project, one of our major accomplishments was the responsible management of contaminated materials on site. A large quantity of the contaminated material was re-used on-site by implementing a number of innovative methodologies that allowed us to incorporate the contaminated material into the permanent works. Subsequently, we avoided sending significant quantities of material to landfill oversea, thus reducing truck & ship movements. This achieved an increase in environmental standards on the project and resulted in a subsequent decrease in the projects carbon footprint.